One of my goals with A Friendly Nudge is to help people rethink what aging means for them.
I understand that aging is going to come with some inherent aches and pains, but I feel dramatically better today than I did even 10-15 years ago.
Real food, exercise, sunshine, fresh air, and sleep can go a long way to taking some of the insult out of aging.
Aging shouldn’t suck, but to make sure it doesn’t we need to be intentional about how we take care of ourselves.
This week’s Chimichurri salsa is the perfect example of that intentionality.
Chimichurri is a great way to add fresh herbs, shallots, garlic and olive oil to your meals so you’re getting tremendous flavor along with the “antis” -that’s antioxidants and anti-inflammation.
This one is so easy that you’ll want to keep a batch in the fridge. It goes great with almost any meat but I also love it on fried eggs.
1 shallot- finely chopped
1 fresno or jalapeno chile - stemmed and seeded, finely chopped
2-3 garlic cloves - finely chopped
½ cup red wine vinegar
Large handful of cilantro leaves- finely chopped
2 handfuls flat leaf parsley finely chopped
½ handful oregano leaves - finely chopped
¾ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mix all of this in a stainless or glass bowl and add salt to taste.
Let’s build a workout for the week
Foam Rolling Duration: As much time as needed
This is a great way to get your muscles ready to exercise. When you find a sore spot, hang out for 20-40 seconds. Check with your doc if you have osteoporosis, osteopenia or other health issues. Avoid your armpits, lower spine, neck, front or back of knee.
Easy Warm Up Duration: 1-2 minutes
You’re just waking things up.
Side Shuffle Duration: 60 seconds to 1 minute
Slight bend in knees, stay balanced and move with some lightness and spring in your step. Outside is the best place for this if you can manage it. This is a great warm up and it helps with balance and agility.
Figure 4 Against the Wall: Duration is at your own discretion - this feels wonderful to me.
I love this stretch because gravity does all the work and you just get to hang out and let this open up your glutes and piriformis. Lay down and get your butt right up against the wall. Put your feet on the wall, cross one leg over the other so that you’re making a figure 4 and then just hang out. I’m still tight enough that my butt doesn’t completely rest on the ground but it’s getting closer.
Once you’re feeling better on that side, put both feet back on the wall and switch legs.
Lateral Glute Challenge Duration: 8-12 each side
Hip stability and proper leg mechanics benefit from healthy glute medius and glute minimus.
This exercise will give those muscles something to do.
Think of them as rotator cuffs for the hips.
Side planks Duration: As tolerated up to 30 seconds per side
Side planks are tough, especially if you have shoulder problems, but if you can manage them they’re valuable. Retract your shoulders, brace your core, and hang out for a while. Then switch sides.
These help build your obliques and they also work your legs, glutes, shoulders and back.
Knees Over Toes Heel Raises Duration: 10-25 reps
This is more work from Ben Patrick’s Knees Over Toes work and it’s a workout for our soleus muscle, which is important for knee health, walking, running and standing up straight. Important stuff.
I do this in the mornings while I’m waiting on coffee to be ready.
Place your hands on a counter or wall for balance, bend your knees over your toes and do heel raises.
Once two legs get too easy, you can dial it up by doing it with one leg.
Kettlebell or Dumbbell March Duration: Start where you are. 30 seconds a side is great.
This is a great exercise for building core strength and functional balance. The weight wants to pull you over when you raise your leg so be prepared for it.
Plank on Stability Ball Duration: Start where you are. 30 seconds is challenging!
Don’t feel bad if you need to skip the stability ball and do a regular plank or one against a raised surface like a kitchen countertop. The stability ball dials up the difficulty because you’re having to fight for stability. Brace your core and keep you back flat.
Chest Press on Stability Ball Duration: 8-12 reps
Doing a chest press on a stability ball allows you to use lighter weights and still build a challenging and productive exercise. Keeping your elbows closer to your side helps protect your shoulders.
Slam Ball Balance Circle Duration: Start where you are - 30 seconds is tough
Balance training has to be a deliberate part of your weekly routine. As you get better at balancing on one foot, you want to find ways to safely increase the difficulty. This exercise accomplishes that. A slam ball or a medicine ball works really well. Start where you are but 30 seconds feels like a long time.
Ground to Standing Duration: Up to 5 per side
Being able to get up from the ground without someone helping us up is an essential part of independent living. Knee problems may rule this one out for some folks, but if you’re able to kneel, this is a capacity that you need to amplify. Getting your upper body leaning forward makes this one a lot more doable. See if you can work up to where you can do this without using your hands.
You can combine this week’s exercises into a circuit and do that 2-3 times this week or you can do them as snacks and work them into your routine. The goal is to let them push you a little, but don’t bite off more than you can chew.
My personal experience has convinced me that food, movement and sleep have a huge impact on how I feel. I know it’s not magic, but the changes in how I feel now versus how I felt even 3 years ago are pretty remarkable.
Be patient with yourself but at the same time, let's see just how good you can start feeling over the coming weeks and months.
Until next week,
And remember to play with your food!