I do a pelvic tilt on a foam roller with it running down my spine. I usually get to the gym 2-3x per week, walk 3-4 days a week and do some type of balance and mobility work every day. Each week in A Friendly Nudge I have a combination of strength, balance and mobility exercises and drills.
In a video you do an open book and I think you mention you do that every day. Do you have other exercises similar that you recommend?
I do a pelvic tilt on a foam roller with it running down my spine. I usually get to the gym 2-3x per week, walk 3-4 days a week and do some type of balance and mobility work every day. Each week in A Friendly Nudge I have a combination of strength, balance and mobility exercises and drills.
Thank you
Good stuff! Thanks Jim!
My pleasure!